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At Will Adams Academy, we aim to offer excellence and choice to all our students; whatever their ability or needs. We aim to achieve this through the removal of barriers to learning and participation. We have high expectations of all of our students. We want all our students to feel that they are a valued part of our school community. We work closely with external agencies in order to support our young people in the best possible way.

This includes work with:

  • Educational Psychologists
  • Social Services
  • Speech and Language Teams
  • Paediatricians and GPs

The school has an in-school therapist 2 days a week. She works with students and parents on a one-to-one basis as well as facilitating group work.


Therapy is provided on a one-to-one basis and within groups at Will Adams.

Our counsellor is a fully trained integrative therapist who specialises in working with young people.  She is also a qualified anger management coach, conflict coach and mediator. She works with all of our students and offers support to parents if they wish. She works closely with the Senior Leadership Team, the SENCo and the Pastoral Manager.


Students are given access to one-to-one therapy on a Monday and Wednesday each week. They will be formally invited to attend the group sessions. No student is forced to attend therapy; it is voluntary. These sessions are confidential but the young people are informed of safeguarding procedures and the need to disclose if the therapist deems the young person to be at risk.


Young people often struggle to find a resolution to a disagreement and this can lead to students feeling isolated and frustrated. As a qualified mediator the school's counsellor will work with both parties to help them understand the issue from the other person's perspective. They will sit in the room with the counsellor, and possibly another member of staff and discuss their issues and agree to a resolution.


The group work is usually divided into gender specific groups. Although this does not exclude students who consider themselves to be male or female or gender fluid; as we fully support all of our students.

Group work takes place on a Monday and Wednesday. Snacks are provided within the group to help encourage social eating and communication. Some young people may have been experiencing eating phobias and disorders and have found that group work has helped them to recognise these disorders and, in some cases, overcome them. Group work is also helpful in establishing social norms and expectations and encourages young people to debate and learn to respect other people's opinions and beliefs.

Medway Local Offer

Parent's Toolkit