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Well Being and Mental Health

At Will Adams Academy we do everything possible to ensure that our students develop and maintain good mental health. Fully trained staff assist and guide students through difficult and challenging times and students know that they will be fully supported with any adversity that they face. Previous students still consider the school to be a home from home and often pop in for a chat with staff they have developed good relationships with. 

Our school counsellor works with our students to help them understand what is causing them to feel low or down and provides them with the skills required to help them better manage times of low mood or depression in some cases.

Our team work with external agencies when required, and a number of our staff have completed Mental Health Awareness courses.

Some websites with useful information regarding children and young people's mental health are listed below to assist parents: 

Young Minds

NSPCC childrens mental health

Mental Health Foundation - Children & Young People


Action for Children